Boy it has been a busy
week! So much has happened and there is so much work in our area (almost too
much). As we focus our attention to help this set of people move forward and
get the teachings they need; then this other group of people slip back, so we
have to go work with them, and then the first group of people don't get the
attention that they need and deserve. It's too much for just 2 missionaries to
handle effectively. I’m really hoping that they split our area so that we are
able to focus better on the people we serve.
So, the man that we live
with told us that he had purchased a new grill online a month or so ago. The
grill required some assembly and the man got part way through and then gave up
because building really isn't his thing. He's a photographer and that's what he
does well. As it turns out, he found someone that was selling a really nice
used grill in the neighborhood for much less than what the other one cost, so
he got it. While he was telling us this story, he said, "If you can put
that other one together then you can have it." So, guess who put it together
during lunch hour…ME. So, now we have a grill, and we're really excited to use
it because cooking burgers and chicken on a frying pan just does the meat no
Another grill story, there
is another man in the ward that said he had a grill that he would give away if
we found someone that needed one. Well we did. So, we took him up on his offer
and loaded his old grill into our truck and took it to our home so that we
could give it to this family later today. So now we have 2 grills in our
garage. How about that?
Now, we must go back to
the man that gave us the grill that was meant for the other family that we
know. He offered us some meat as well. So, he gave us a couple elk steaks, and
we were about to leave when he asked if we knew anyone that liked liver…well, we
did know of someone. So, he ran to grab this 15 pound elk liver that he kept in
a trash bag. We took the liver to a family that we know likes liver (There was no
room in our freezer to hold onto it). They received it with much rejoicing.
And that's been our
week. A little unusual but that's Pinetop for you.
Elder Kirk