It's been a pretty good week. We just had transfers but my companion and I are staying in the same place. It was a really good transfer meeting though. We (my companion, Elder Tarr, Elder Krueger, and I) sang an arrangement of "Silent Night" and got a lot of compliments on it. I am sad about the transfer though because Elder Van Meeteren got transferred to a different zone, but I know that he'll do great things there and it's likely that we'll work together again in the future.
It was really neat this week. We started teaching a young mother and yesterday was our second time meeting with her. What shocked me a little was that she started taking notes! She's so interested in learning and, more importantly, remembering the things we say that she takes notes and reads all the things we give to her. She comes with questions and a great deal of understanding from the things she has read. It caught me off guard a little because I've never experienced that. Usually we can see people 2 or 3 days in a row and they remember very little. It's rather refreshing to be meeting with someone that truly wants to learn.
So, over the past few weeks I've gained a bit of a putation for my building abilities. Everyone knows that I can make pretty much anything out of cardboard and duct tape.
I would say the most impressive of which is the bookshelf that I recently completed.
I learn something really neat this week from another missionary. He talked about the ten lepers that Christ healed. It says that all ten were healed but there was one that turned back to express gratitude and, of him, it is said that he was "made whole". There is a substantial difference between being healed or cleansed, and being made whole. Through Christ's Atonement, we can all be healed and cleansed from our mistakes but to be "made whole" we must show gratitude for that sacrifice He made that makes forgiveness possible.
I love and pray for you all and I hope you have a great holiday.
Elder Kirk
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